Examples of Internet of Things

Examples of Internet of things (IoT)

Do you think humans talk a lot, wait till “things” start talking!! Let us look at some examples of how “things talk” means business and no gossip at all!!

5 good IoT Devices examples from everyday life where IoT is going to make a difference

We are already familiar with a speaker that you can interact with, which can help you find facts from the internet, play music, play stories, place a call, put a reminder, give you the ability to control the lights in your room – yes it is Alexa!!!. Just imagine the difference in adding some life to “things” we have by far considered non-living and dumb. The examples cited here may need some additional technologies like machine learning, along with the core IoT technology.


1) Smart Lights

Smart Lights are already in markets, which can be controlled in terms of switching on and off as well as controlling how bright they shine. The new smart lights features that could get added are in terms of light bulbs carrying their smartness so that they can sense the presence of other lights which are present and check whether it needs to reduce light to optimize the room’s lighting. They could sense situations like an AC blowing in the room and if their temperature is higher than optimal. It could so happen that the bulbs could connect to devices like Alexa or Google Assist and ask us the question – “Hey this is Bulb 3 from the corner, Do you want me to reduce the light since am heating up a lot”!!


2) Smart ACs

IoT devices Examples - Smart AC

Today’s ACs may be cutting off at the target temperature. Tomorrow’s AC is going to check if the room has any occupants and change the speed and temperature accordingly. It could work in tandem with other IoT devices in the room. Tomorrow’s ACs can ensure that the cool air flows to the vents of the areas which are hotter instead of the strategy of cool air flowing evenly to all the vents. An IoT smart device in the room that is heating up can request the vent nearest to increase the cool airflow.


3) Smart Gas Stove

IoT Devices Examples - Smart Gas Stove

The Gas Stove and the utensils could become more active devices with IoT. No longer one would have a situation of a dish getting burned!!! There would be smart utensils that could detect that the dish is getting burned and send a signal to the stove to switch off. There could be utensils that can have heating presets set on them and the stove burns with the intensity detected and once the preset temp is reached the stove switches off.


4) Smart Wear-ables

IoT Devices Examples - Waerables

This is already a very mature market. The ability of wear-ables is getting enhanced with sensors now but the next wave is that with other devices getting connected it is going to get more powerful. Tomorrow is going of that of wear-ables instead of carry-ables. With more innovations like foldable screens or projection screens and keyboards, a watch like a wearable may be enough to act as a single communication as well as a computing device for all purposes.


5) Smart Transport

IoT Devices Examples - Smart Transport

The means for private transport is definitely seeing a sea change and a lot of investments and innovations by the manufacturers. Thus driverless cars and automatic parking are already available features in high-end vehicles. There are IoT sensors to help with monitoring the vehicle parameters which are becoming part of the parcel too.

The real game-changer will be when personal vehicles like cars or scooters start reminding you that the gas is on the lower side and needs to fill when one is near a gas station.

The biggest bane of public transport is that of predictability and optimal availability. The ability to track public transport is simple technologically but this information is available only on the official channels. This would change when this information will become more trackable and available to people even sitting at home. Additionally, tomorrow’s transport is going to be demand based. Thus the public transport would be optimized to ensure that routes are serviced based on demand. Thus more transports are available in peak demand and lesser when there is lesser demand.


Tomorrow’s promise with IoT

This list is just the tip of the iceberg, as technology unfolds itself more combinations and innovations are going to make more examples feasible that one could not have thought about earlier.

Learn more by reading more about IoT below here and on our blog posts.